Even before working with you both and helping with the activities in your homes we were impressed with the high priority you gave to having an activity director and ongoing activities. In fact, your model was one of the inspirations for our business a couple years later!

We were also very pleased to see that your [senior] caregivers worked in shifts as opposed to 24 hour a day live-in. When we first met you, we were looking for a home for my parents and having a caregiver that was awake during the night was very important for their care.

Later, when we worked for you, your staff was always welcoming and supportive when we did activities. In the years that we have known and worked with you we experienced that your homes are more than a business. We observed that quality care, lovingly connecting with your residents in many ways, and providing opportunities for them to be active and engaged in life were your top priorities. Those also are ours in looking for homes in which we share activities and also in which we would trust for our parents’ care.

-Nancy & Gary Salminen
Activities With Heart